The course is divided into 3 components:
Component 2 – Devising Drama (November)
Coursework performance or design and log book.
Students choose from the options of: performance, costume design, sound design, set design or lighting design. They work collaboratively to produce a piece approximately 15-20 minutes long from a given stimulus. The practical work is supported by a Devising Log which is a mixture of prose (up to 1500 words) and drawings/plans/sketches. This is marked by the teacher and moderated by AQA.
Preparation for this component takes place in lessons and additional rehearsals organised by the students and supervised by the teacher. The Performance will take place on November 29th, 30th, and December 1st 2021. Students are expected to attend at least 1 additional rehearsal per week leading up to the performance. Times available: Tuesday, Thursday and Friday after school. Other times are available by arrangement.
Component 3 – Texts in Practice - Script (March)
Examination performance or design.
This has the same options as the devising component, but is assessed by an external examiner. As with the devised component, preparation for this takes place in lessons and during additional rehearsals. The examination performance is scheduled to take place during May 3rd – 5th 2021.
Component 1 – Understanding Drama - Written exam 1 hr 45 min (May)
Section A - Theatre roles & terminology. Multiple choice questions. Knowledge to revise: stage types and positions, roles & responsibilities, styles & genres.
Section B - Set Play – Blood Brothers – 4 questions on a given extract. 4, 8, 12 and 20 mark questions. Knowledge to revise: page-to-stage knowledge including - performance skills required for each character, lighting, sound, set and costume design requirements.
Section 3 - Live Theatre visit review – essay question analysing and evaluating performance or design skills witnessed during a visit to the theatre. This year this is allowed to be about a performance seen on DVD.
The actual factual content of the course is relatively small. All key vocabulary and knowledge are taught during year 10 and are available for revision from mindmaps that can be found on the O drive at school or via the Year 11 section of the school website. The real challenge here is in the skill and understanding to use that knowledge in a targeted way in GCSE exam questions. Weekly practice in the completion of exam-style questions is the way to prepare and will consolidate knowledge.