Our approach prioritises;
- Dealing with students’ complex needs, through safeguarding and delivering a strong programme of PSHE and citizenship. This may involve engagement with outside agencies, including the Local Authority, where necessary.
- Equality of opportunity, which we seek to provide through equality of access to the enrichment programme, equality of access to technology, equality of access to experiences and by providing safe and secure areas where students can study. Pupil Premium students have first opportunity to subscribe to all trips and enrichment opportunities.
- Raising aspiration by getting students involved in national competitions, giving strong careers awareness and providing students with opportunities for success amongst their peers and the local community. This also includes the constant development of students’ cultural capital to ensure they are not disadvantaged relative to their peers.
- Our Student Voice panels and evaluations of the work completed after each Life Skills session, are based on a specific assessment of progress made against learning intentions and we deliberately select disadvantaged and SEND students as samples for our quality assurance processes.