Ercall Wood Academy

Empower | Respect | Aspire

Vision & Values


At Ercall Wood Academy, we promote and expect to have high aspirations for all our students. ‘All students’ truly means all students regardless of ability, gender, race and background.

We strive to empower our whole community with the knowledge, skills and habits necessary to make a positive difference to the community and the wider world.

Ercall Wood Academy is built on a culture of respect; respect for oneself, for others and for the environment. The academy has clear routines and responses to positive and negative behaviour, creating a safe, purposeful learning environment for all.  We are traditional in our view that the teachers are the experts in the classroom and should be respected as such. Our teachers hold the key to unlocking the potential of our young people through the delivery of a high-quality curriculum built on key knowledge and skills. 

We believe in the potential of all our students and their ability to achieve and be successful. We want our students to share the same high aspirations whether it is through academic success, sporting prowess or excellence in the arts. There are no limits to what can be achieved with hard work, resilience and determination.


Empower: We strive to empower our whole community with the knowledge, skills and habits necessary to make a positive difference to the community and the wider world.

Respect: Excellence is built on a culture of respect. Respect for oneself, for others and for the environment.

Aspire: High aspirations by all, for all. ‘All’ truly means all regardless of ability, gender, race and background.