Ercall Wood Academy

Empower | Respect | Aspire



The Local Governing Body at Ercall Wood Academy is made up of volunteers from different walks of life who represent different stakeholders of the school such as parents, staff and community members. We meet regularly as a group and in July each year we review our own performance and impact over the previous twelve months. The outcome of the self review forms the basis of our report to you, considering our actions, our impact on the school and how our governance meets the requirements of Ofsted guidance. We visit school regularly to meet staff and pupils. Parents are able to contact Governors if they feel they need to do so.

The Local Governing Body has met termly to consider business items, to meet statutory duties and to approve priorities. This year this has been our first in the new format of the Local Governing Body following our successful conversion to academy status on 1st July 2018. At these meetings we have also considered progress against Ofsted action points, challenging senior leaders where needed to ensure that progress is sufficient and momentum maintained. The powers and duties of the Local Governing Body are varied and assigned Governors work with specific departments.

We have also regularly reviewed the School Development Plan as regular reviews help us to steer the strategic direction of the school, maintaining clarity of vision and ethos. A key priority for Governors is the safeguarding of students and staff. Several Governors have undertaken child protection training to develop their own skills and understanding and we continue to have Governors who have safer recruitment training involved in recruitment of new staff. This year, training has also been undertaken for the prevention of extremism and radicalisation in line with the government’s PREVENT strategy. Through the Local Governing Body, a panel of Governors is appointed for the performance management of the Headteacher. The Headteacher’s appraisal targets are linked to the School Improvement Plan.

In conjunction with the Learning Community Trust Board of Trustees, the Local Governing Body has responsibility for the budget, buildings, health and safety and personnel matters including pay. Regular monitoring of the budget ensures solvency and robust discussions around financial decisions ensure that best value is achieved and that the funds delegated to the school are managed with probity. Allocation of Pupil Premium funds is considered. Any expenditure over £5,000 must be approved. Pay decisions are linked to the appropriate pay guidance for different groups of staff.

Maintaining a balanced budget is a key priority. This was again a significant challenge this year, but due to continued hard work, particularly by finance staff, a budget to support school priorities was agreed.

The Local Governing Body has responsibility for the quality of teaching and the progress and achievement of students. Regular reports have been received from senior leaders which detail progress of specific groups such as those eligible for the Pupil Premium and those on the Gifted and Talented register. Data for different subjects and year groups is also considered. Governors have questioned and challenged data and reports, particularly around 2018 GCSE results ensuring that appropriate actions have been taken to strengthen performance. The impact of interventions for students in receipt of Pupil Premium are regularly reviewed to ensure that the gap between disadvantaged and other students continues to narrow. Visits to the school by Governors assists with the department review processes and increase consistency.

Governors are required to attend meetings on a regular basis. All meetings in the past 12 months have been quorate.

Governors receive information on the views of parents which this year has been collected at Parent’s evenings and the information is presented at a Local Governing Body meeting. It has been encouraging to note the high number of parents who would recommend the school to others.

Governors would like to take this opportunity to thank staff for their hard work and commitment and students for their continuing progress.

David James - Chair
David has held senior roles in teaching, local government and the General Teaching Council for England (GTCE). CIPD qualified since 1994, his experience includes Head of Professional Regulation at the GTCE and Head of Personnel Services in the Shropshire LEA . He has been a special adviser to government on the development of policy on school staffing issues and is now an HR consultant working mainly in the education sector.

Should you wish to contact Mr James, please write to Amy Goodall at the schools address.

Judith Mills - Vice Chair
Prior to my retirement I was a member of the Senior Management Team of a large FE college. As a head my responsibilities included Initial Teacher Training, e learning and CPD for all of the 1480 staff across 9 campuses. This background has provided me with both skill and knowledge to help with the governance role at school. I am fully committed to improving the learning journey for all young people of all ability levels and needs. My own son had a statement for dyslexia, which with the support he received from Ercall Wood he overcame to proceed to university and a career as a vet. The experience we all went through during his education have added to the insight I bring to governors. I am a fully qualified teacher and a hold a Masters degree in Leadership and Management. I have been a governor for nearly 20 years at Ercall Wood and have seen many exciting changes during this period.

Mrs Angela Denton - Parent Governor
I have been a teacher for over 20 years, working in places such as Atlanta, Aldershot, Slough and Stafford, as well as in Telford. The majority of this time has been spent in special schools for children with severe learning difficulties. I now work for the Local Authority, supporting mainstream schools to provide for pupils with additional needs.

I am passionate about ensuring pupils reach their full potential regardless of their ability/needs, race, gender or their socio-economic background.

I have a daughter at Ercall Wood and I am keen to offer support to our school community.

Miss Holly Davies - Co Opted Governor

Mr Stephen Orford - Staff Governor
I have been teaching mathematics for 5 years, 2 of which have been at Ercall Wood Academy. During my time here, I have ensured that my passion for seeing students reach their full potential has been a driving force behind my decision making; a charateristic I will take forward in my role as governor. I hold a master's degree in Leadership in Learning and an NPQ in leading teacher development. This has allowed me to gain the skills needed to found a national teacher network which provided training to hundreds of mathematics teachers during Covid.

I also hold the role of Pupil Premium lead which has enabled me to work with the senior leadership team to ensure that all of our students are provided with the resources and environment to flourish, regardless of their background. Having this experience of working with the senior leadership team on a daily basis will be a great addition to the governing body at Ercall Wood Academy. 

Name Term of Office Start date Term of Office End date
Mr D James (Chair) 04/11/2019 07/11/2023
Professor D Woods
(Trust Appointed Governor)
04/11/2019  09/010/2023
Mrs A Denton (Parent Governor) 13/03/2021 12/03/2025
Mrs J Mills (Vice Chair) 01/07/2018 30/06/2026
Mr J Wade (Parent Governor) 04/10/2021 09/10/2023
Mr R Gummery - Principal 01/06/2020 31/08/2023
Mr N Murphy - Principal 01/09/2023 --/--/----
Mrs R Moore - (Staff Governor) 07/09/2021 31/05/2023
Mrs B Rana - (Co Opted Governor) 01/09/2022  09/10/2023 
Miss H Davies - (Co Opted Governor) 10/05/2023 --/--/----
Mrs S Challis - (Co Opted Governor) 01/09/2023 --/--/----
Mr S Orford - Staff Governor 09/10/2023  


Meeting Dates

Wednesday 4th October 2023  17:00 
Wednesday 6th December 2023  17:00 
Wednesday 13th March 2024  17:00 
Wednesday 3rd July 2024  17:00 
Wednesday 5th July 2023  17:00 
Wednesday 10th May 2023  17:00 
Wednesday 8th February 2023  17:00 
Wednesday 7th December 2022  17:00 
Wednesday 28th September 2022  17:00 
Wednesday 6th July 2022  17:00 
Tuesday 21st June 2022  17:00
Wednesday 9th February 2022  17:00
Wednesday 1st December 2021  16:00
Wednesday 29th September 2021  17:00

Register of Business Interests - Please Click

Name 28/09/2022  07/12/2022 07/02/2023 10/05/2023 05/07/2023 Total  
D  James Y Y Y Y Y 100%  
J Mills Y Y N Y Y 80%  
H Davies - Y Y Y Y 100%  
J Wade Y N N Y N 40%  
D Woods N Y N Y Y 60%  
R Gummery Y Y Y Y Y 100%  
A Denton Y Y Y Y Y 100%  
R Moore Y Y Y Y - 100%  
B Rana  Y N N NS NS 20%  

Y = Attended, N = Apologies Accepted, NA = Apologies not Accepted, NS = No Apologies sent, ? = Attendance Not Marked, Blank = Not Required, CA = Consent for absence, - = Not applicable