Ercall Wood Academy part of the Learning Community Trust (LCT)
Our children deserve an environment in which they can flourish and achieve their potential, no matter what their academic or social starting point. At Ercall Wood Academy, we want to empower our children by supporting their growth as individuals who will make a difference and change the world for the better.
Our staff will hold the highest expectations of our children and challenge them to realise their full potential. The academy will be built on a culture of respect; respect for oneself, for others and for the environment. The academy has clear routines and responses to positive and negative behaviour creating a safe, purposeful learning environment for all. We are traditional in our view that the teachers are the experts in the classroom and should be respected as such. Our teachers hold the key to unlocking the potential of our young people through the delivery of a high-quality curriculum built on key knowledge and skills.
Ercall Wood Academy is proud to be the heartbeat of the community we serve, we want our students to learn about their cultural heritage and be proud of the role that our community has played, and will continue to play, in the development of Telford. Our children will take pride in themselves, in our academy and in our community, embracing the diversity amongst us and work together to achieve beyond their personal best through trust, honesty and tolerance.
We believe in the potential of all our students and their ability to achieve and be successful. We want our students to share the same high aspirations whether it is through academic success, sporting prowess or excellence in the arts. There are no limits to what can be achieved with hard work, resilience and determination.
Through their engagement with education, our students will create long lasting positive memories of their time at Ercall Wood Academy. Happy, confident and engaged children will become life-long learners who will always seek feedback to improve and progress. Our students will take an active and successful role in our local, national and global community ensuring a brighter future for all.
An Empowered, Respectful Community of Aspiring Life-long Learners
We have the opportunity to control our destiny and make a real difference.
Respect for oneself, for others and for the environment.
Believe in our potential because anything is possible with hard work, resilience and determination.
- Monday 15th July - Sports Day - Normal school timings - Students to wear PE Kit - Please bring appropriate sun protection and ensure you have a large bottle of water to stay hydrated throughout the day.
- Tuesday 16th and Wednesday 17th July - Normal school timings - Students to wear full uniform unless attending a trip and have been directed otherwise.
- Thursday 18th July - Normal school timings - Students to wear PE Kit as this will be a life skills day where there are practical elements included. To further support our life skills day and celebrate equality and diversity please can students bring in a picture/image/drawing that represents their culture or heritage; this will be used in a task on the day.
- Friday 19th July - Last day of term, students finish at 1pm - Students to wear full school uniform - Lunch will still be available for students despite the 1pm finish time.
- Tuesday 3rd September - Staff inset day - No students on site.
- Wednesday 4th September - Year 7 and Year 11 students only - Normal school timings - Students to wear full school uniform.
- Thursday 5th September - All years attending - Normal school timings - Students to wear full school uniform.